Medium is a game-changer for freelance writers, providing a platform to showcase your skills, connect with a vast audience, and even earn money doing what you love. 

I started writing on Medium at the start of 2023. Since then, Medium has become integral to my freelance writing career. I use it to share my ideas, connect with other writers, and build my audience. 

I have found that Medium is a supportive community of writers and readers who are passionate about quality content.

Therefore, if you’re a freelance writer and haven’t joined Medium, you’re missing out on a goldmine of opportunities. 

You can start sharing your work, build an audience, and gain recognition in your niche with a few simple steps. And the best part is that you don’t need a website or blog to get started.

This article will explore how you use the medium as a freelance writer. 

Read on.

4 Steps to Use Medium as a Freelance Writer

Medium offers freelance writers a powerful platform to showcase their skills and connect with a vast audience. 

Here are 4 steps to effectively leverage Medium for your freelance writing endeavors.

1. Set Up a Medium account

When creating a medium account, you need an email, username, profile photo, and a short bio about yourself.

Your profile is your chance to introduce yourself to the Medium community. 

Be sure to write a bio that is engaging and informative. It should showcase your skills and expertise as a freelance writer and give readers a sense of who you are. 

Use a friendly, conversational tone to make readers feel like they are getting to know the real you.

Aside from that, choose a profile picture that is professional and inviting. Avoid using overly casual or unprofessional images that could turn readers off.

Check out my Medium profile.

The next step is to select the topics you to follow. Medium has a wide range of topics that you can follow and write about.

Select topics that align with your writing interests and expertise to get started. That’ll help you find readers passionate about the same things you are.

As you explore Medium, be open to new topics and ideas you may not have considered before. That’ll help you expand your horizons and become a more well-rounded writer.

The best part is,  Medium’s interface design is user-friendly and intuitive. Take some time to explore the site and familiarize yourself with its features. That’ll help you get the most out of your Medium experience. 

Additionally, be sure to take advantage of Medium’s social features. 

Follow other writers who inspire you and engage with your readers by responding to comments and messages. That’ll help you build relationships with other writers and readers on the platform.

2. Write on Medium

To get the most out of the medium, it’s best to write your articles as a freelance writer

When choosing topics to write about on Medium, consider what you’re passionate about and what will appeal to your target audience. Choose topics that are timely, relevant, and interesting to your readers.

Your headline is the first thing readers will see, so make it compelling and attention-grabbing. Use a headline that accurately represents your content and draws readers in.

Before you craft your medium content, think about your audience. 

What do your readers want to know? 

What will they find interesting or valuable? 

Write with your readers in mind, and use a friendly, conversational tone that makes them feel like they’re having a conversation with you.

In your content, it’s important to:

  • Hook your readers with a strong opening that sets the tone for your article. Use anecdotes, personal stories, or interesting facts to draw them in.
  • Keep your content focused and concise. Use clear, simple language that is easy to understand, and avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse your readers.
  • Strive to provide value to your readers. Give them something they can use, learn from, or be inspired by.

To make your articles easy to read:

  • Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break up your content and make it more digestible.
  • Keep your paragraphs short, and use transition words and phrases to guide your readers through your article.
  • Use images and other media to enhance your content and make it visually appealing.

Medium offers a range of SEO tools to help you optimize your content and reach a wider audience. Use tags and keywords to help your articles appear in relevant search results. 

Also, it offers the option to add a meta description to your articles, which is a summary of your content that appears in search results. Use this to entice readers to click through and read your article.

3. Build an Audience on Medium

For your content to reach a larger audience, you need to promote your articles on social media.

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your articles and building your audience on Medium. 

Share your articles on your social media accounts, and encourage your followers to read, comment, and share them. 

Use relevant hashtags and tags to help your articles get discovered by new readers, and consider joining Medium writing groups on social media to connect with other writers and share your work.

In addition, Collaborating with other writers on Medium is a great way to build your audience and expand your reach.

Consider collaborating with other writers in your niche to co-write articles or share each other’s work. 

You can also collaborate with other writers by participating in Medium publications.

These are curated collections of articles on specific topics or themes, and they can help you reach a wider audience and connect with other writers.

Engaging with your readers through comments and responses is essential to build a loyal audience on Medium.

Respond to comments on your articles, and thank readers for their feedback and support.

When you’re an active and engaged member of the Medium community, you can build relationships with your readers and fellow writers and grow your audience over time.

Read Also:

How to Become a Freelance Writer: The Ultimate Guide

7 Easy Ways to Make Your First $1 Online

4. Monetize Your Writing on Medium

You can monetize your content on Medium by joining a Medium partner program. The Medium Partner Program was introduced in February 2017

It allows writers to earn money for their writing by placing their articles behind a paywall, which requires a paid Medium membership to access. 

Writers can earn money based on the engagement and reading time of Medium members who read their articles. 

To join the program, you need to apply and be accepted by Medium. Once accepted, you can start earning money from your writing immediately. 

To increase your chances of being accepted into the program:

  • Focus on creating high-quality content that’s well-written, informative, and engaging. Medium looks for writers who can contribute to the overall quality of the platform, so make sure your articles meet their standards.
  • Be active on Medium by engaging with other writers and readers, commenting on articles, and participating in writing groups. This shows you are committed to the platform and invested in its community.

To maximize your earnings on Medium, you can focus on creating articles likely to be curated by Medium’s editorial team. 

These articles are highlighted on the platform and can reach a wider audience, increasing your chances of earning money through the Partner Program.

Also, you can encourage readers to subscribe to your content by creating exclusive articles or offering perks to subscribers, such as access to your writing process or behind-the-scenes content.

Benefits of Writing on Medium

Writing on Medium offers a range of benefits for authors looking to share their content and engage with a broader audience. 

Here are some key advantages:

  • Built-in audience: Medium has a substantial user base, providing your content with exposure to a ready-made audience. This can be especially beneficial for new or independent writers trying to establish themselves.
  • Discoverability: Medium has a robust curation system that surfaces high-quality content. If your article is well-written and resonates with readers, there’s a chance it could be curated, leading to increased visibility and readership.
  • User-friendly platform: The Medium platform is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for writers to create and publish content without the need for advanced technical skills. The focus is on the content itself rather than complex formatting.
  • Monetization opportunities: The Medium Partner Program allows writers to earn money based on the engagement their stories receive. Readers can become paying members, and writers receive a portion of their membership fees. This can provide a source of income for writers.
  • Networking and community building: Medium facilitates interaction between writers and readers through comments and responses. Engaging with your audience and other writers can help you build a community around your content.
  • SEO benefits: Medium articles often rank well in search engine results. This can contribute to increased visibility beyond the Medium platform, bringing in additional readers and potentially directing traffic to your website or other online presence.
  • Mobile optimization: With a significant number of users accessing content on mobile devices, Medium is optimized for mobile viewing. This ensures that your content is easily accessible and readable on smartphones and tablets.
  • Analytics and insights: Medium provides authors with analytics tools to track the performance of their articles. You can see how many people are reading your content, where they are coming from, and other valuable insights.
  • No need for personal blog setup: Medium eliminates the need for setting up and maintaining a personal blog. This can be convenient for writers who want to focus on content creation rather than dealing with the technical aspects of running a website.
  • Cross-platform sharing: Medium makes it easy to share your articles across various social media platforms, extending the reach of your content to different audiences.


Medium is an excellent platform for freelance writers to showcase their skills, build an audience, and earn money doing what they love.  

However, Medium requires hard work and dedication. It’s not enough to simply post your articles and hope for the best.

You need to actively engage with the Medium community, create high-quality content, and constantly work to improve your writing skills.

Aside from that, it’s essential to create a consistent posting schedule to keep readers engaged and coming back for more. 

Also, use Medium’s built-in analytics tools to track your engagement and earnings. 

You can experiment with different formats, such as audio recordings or video content, to diversify your content and reach new audiences

And remember, the key to success on Medium is to be authentic, write from the heart, and connect with your readers personally. 

So, don’t be afraid to share your unique perspective and let your personality shine through in your writing.

Read Also:

9 Steps to Starting Your Freelance Content Writing Career

9 Tips to Stay Motivated and Productive as a Freelance Writer

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3 thoughts on “How to Use Medium as a Freelance Writer”

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