In today’s digital age, the opportunities to make money online in Kenya are more abundant. 

With the remarkable growth of technology and the availability of tools like Mpesa, a new world of income generation has emerged for Kenyans. 

Now, you can earn a living or passive income from the comfort of your home, office, or even an ideal co-working space.

However, figuring out where to begin can be tricky, especially if you’re looking for a quick path to immense wealth. We’ve all heard the stories of overnight success and dazzling promises, only to be disillusioned and frustrated. 

But if you’re genuinely committed to learning how to make money online and sustainably, rest assured that a world of possibilities awaits.

So, if you’re tired of being scammed or spending countless hours lost in the maze of online research, you’ve come to the right place. 

This carefully curated list is your compass, guiding you toward the most promising and trustworthy avenues for making money online in Kenya. 

Read on for nine ways to make money online in Kenya.

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1. Sell Your Stuff Online on JiJi, eBay, and Etsy

Selling your stuff online is one of the easiest ways to make money online in Kenya, and it’s perfect for anyone who wants to declutter their space while earning some extra income.

You can utilize popular online platforms like JiJi, eBay, and Etsy to get started. These platforms offer a vast audience, making it easier for you to reach potential buyers. 

With a few clicks, you can upload your product photos, write a brief but accurate description, and set your price.

However, more than listing your items online is needed to guarantee a sale. To maximize your chances of success, you need to implement some proven selling tips. 

Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Use high-quality product photos – The first impression is crucial in online selling. Ensure your images are high-quality and clear, and show the product in the best light possible. Make sure the lighting is adequate and that the product is in focus.
  • Accurate product descriptions – Be honest and straightforward in your product descriptions. Don’t over-promise or exaggerate what you’re selling; this could lead to negative reviews and damage your online reputation. Provide as much detail as possible, including the product’s condition, size, color, and other relevant information.
  • Competitive pricing strategies – Find out what similar items are selling for on your platform. Pricing too high can discourage potential buyers, while pricing too low could signal that your item could be better quality. Strike a balance by pricing competitively, considering the item’s condition, rarity, and demand.

When you implement these simple but effective selling tips, you’ll be well on making money online through selling your stuff. 

2. Become a Freelance Writer

If you have a writing talent, becoming a freelance writer is an excellent way to earn money online in Kenya. 

Freelance writing allows you to work from anywhere and choose your clients and projects. 

Moreover, with the demand for quality content increasing daily, there’s never been a better time to enter the freelance writing market.

To get started as a freelance writer, you need to build a portfolio of your work. If you’re just starting, consider writing a few articles or blog posts on topics you’re passionate about to showcase your writing skills. 

Also, you can offer your writing services to friends or family members who run blogs or small businesses to gain experience and add to your portfolio.

Once you have a few writing samples to showcase your abilities, you can start looking for clients. Freelance platforms like Upwork and Freelancer are excellent places to find work. 

These platforms allow you to create a profile, set your rates, and bid on jobs posted by clients. Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter can help you connect with potential clients.

When looking for clients, remember to network and market yourself. Join writing groups on social media platforms and engage with other freelance writers and potential clients. 

Attend writing conferences and events and hand out business cards and samples of your work. The more you put yourself out there, the more likely you’ll be to attract clients and build a steady income stream.

3. Publish and Sell an E-book

If you’ve always had a story to tell or knowledge to share, publishing and selling an e-book can be a rewarding way to make money online in Kenya. 

E-books have gained immense popularity in recent years, thanks to the rise of e-readers and their convenience to readers worldwide. 

To create and market your e-book effectively, you need to follow a few key steps. First, choose a niche or topic that aligns with your passion, expertise, or target audience’s interests. 

Research what’s popular or in demand and find a unique angle to stand out.

Next, dedicate time to write, edit, and polish your e-book. Craft engaging chapters, organize your content logically, and ensure it’s well-structured. Use attractive formatting and hire a professional editor to ensure your e-book shines.

Once your e-book is ready, you can leverage the power of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to create buzz around your e-book. 

Share enticing snippets, engage with potential readers, and encourage them to spread the word.

Additionally, consider utilizing online platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) to sell and distribute your e-book to a wider audience.

Remember, the key to successfully selling your e-book lies in effective marketing.

Engage with your target audience, offer exclusive promotions or discounts, and collaborate with influencers or bloggers in your niche. 

Building a strong online presence and cultivating a loyal readership will help boost your e-book sales and generate a steady income stream.

4. Become an Influencer

The influencer industry has experienced exponential growth; its potential in Kenya is no exception. 

As social media platforms dominate our lives, brands actively seek influencers to promote their products or services to their engaged audience.

To become an influencer, the first step is to choose your niche or area of expertise. Identify your passions, hobbies, or areas where you have valuable knowledge to share. 

When you focus on a specific niche, you can establish yourself as an authority and attract a dedicated audience.

Creating engaging content is the cornerstone of influencer success. Utilize the power of social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok to share captivating photos, videos, or stories that resonate with your target audience. 

Be authentic and transparent, and provide value through your content. Interact with your followers, respond to comments, and build meaningful connections.

Collaborating with brands is an excellent way to monetize your influence. As your following grows, brands will take notice of your reach and engagement. 

Reach out to brands that align with your niche, or wait for them to approach you with collaboration opportunities.

Sponsored posts, brand partnerships, and affiliate marketing can provide substantial income streams for influencers. 

However, ensure that any brand collaborations align with your values and maintain transparency with your audience.

In addition to brand collaborations, explore other revenue streams such as selling merchandise, offering online courses or consultations, or hosting sponsored events or workshops. 

Diversifying your income sources can provide stability and long-term growth in your influencer journey.

5. Start a YouTube Channel

YouTube presents an incredible opportunity to make money online in Kenya by creating and sharing engaging video content.

With its massive audience and reach, starting a successful YouTube channel can help you showcase your talents, entertain viewers, and generate income.

To begin, identify your target audience. Understand the demographic, interests, and preferences of the viewers you want to attract. 

This knowledge will guide your content creation and ensure it resonates with your intended audience, leading to higher engagement and subscriber growth.

Planning and producing high-quality videos are essential for capturing and retaining viewers’ attention.

Create a content strategy that aligns with your target audience’s interests and develop a consistent upload schedule. 

Invest in proper equipment, such as a good camera and microphone, to enhance the production value of your videos.

Strive for excellent video and audio quality to provide an immersive and enjoyable viewing experience.

Monetizing your YouTube channel can be achieved through various means. By joining the YouTube Partner Program, you can earn money through ads displayed on your videos. 

As your channel grows, you can explore sponsorships and collaborations with brands that align with your content and values.

This can involve promoting products or services in your videos in exchange for compensation. 

Additionally, consider creating and selling merchandise related to your channel, allowing your audience to support you while expressing their fandom.

Building a successful YouTube channel requires dedication, consistency, and engagement.

Interact with your viewers by responding to comments, asking for feedback, and creating a sense of community. 

Foster genuine connections and build a loyal subscriber base that eagerly anticipates your content.

6. Make Money as a Tutor

The demand for online tutoring services has skyrocketed in recent years.

Students, parents, and professionals seek qualified tutors to provide personalized learning experiences. 

With the convenience and accessibility of online platforms, students can connect with tutors worldwide, breaking down geographical barriers. 

Here are a few tips to get you started as a tutor:

  • Identify your areas of expertise: Start by identifying the subjects or skills you excel in and are passionate about teaching. Whether it’s mathematics, science, language, music, or test preparation, focusing on your strengths will help you stand out in the competitive tutoring market.
  • Join tutoring platforms like TutorMe and Preply: Sign up on reputable online tutoring platforms that connect tutors with students worldwide. These platforms provide a user-friendly interface, secure payment systems, and a steady stream of potential clients. Create a compelling profile highlighting your qualifications, experience, and teaching style to attract students seeking expertise.
  • Market your tutoring services through social media and referrals: Expand your reach by utilizing social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Create engaging posts that showcase your expertise and offer valuable tips or insights. Encourage satisfied students to refer you to their friends and family, as word-of-mouth referrals can be a powerful tool for expanding your client base.

To excel as an online tutor, it’s crucial to establish a professional and engaging teaching style. Prepare customized lesson plans tailored to each student’s needs and learning objectives. 

Utilize interactive teaching tools, such as video conferencing, virtual whiteboards, and educational resources, to create an immersive and effective learning environment.

Furthermore, maintaining a positive and supportive relationship with your students is key. 

Be patient, understanding, and encouraging as you guide them through their learning journey. Strive to build their confidence and inspire a love for learning.

7. Become an Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing operates on a performance-based model, where you earn a commission for driving traffic and generating sales or leads through your promotional efforts. 

With the rapid growth of the e-commerce industry and increasing internet penetration in Kenya, the potential for affiliate marketing is tremendous. 

As more and more consumers turn to online shopping, there is a vast audience to tap into and a wide range of affiliate programs to explore.

Here are tips for thriving as an affiliate marketer: 

  • Choose affiliate programs and products: Research and select reputable affiliate programs that align with your niche or target audience. Look for programs that offer attractive commission rates, reliable tracking systems, and a diverse range of products or services. It’s crucial to partner with brands that resonate with your audience and have a strong reputation, as this enhances trust and increases the likelihood of conversions.
  • Create compelling content and reviews: Develop engaging content that educates and informs your audience about the benefits and features of the affiliate products or services you are promoting. Craft honest and unbiased reviews that highlight the value these products provide. Utilize various content formats such as blog posts, videos, or social media posts to effectively cater to different audience preferences and capture their attention.
  • Optimize your affiliate links and track your earnings: Strategically incorporate your affiliate links within your content to drive clicks and conversions. Ensure your links are prominently displayed and seamlessly integrated into your content flow. Take advantage of the tracking tools provided by affiliate programs to monitor your earnings, conversions, and overall performance. This data will help you optimize your strategies, identify high-performing campaigns, and focus on activities that generate the most revenue.

Building trust and credibility with your audience is essential for long-term success as an affiliate marketer.

Always be transparent and disclose your affiliate partnerships to maintain openness and honesty. 

Focus on providing genuine value to your audience by recommending products or services that align with their needs and interests. 

By establishing a strong rapport with your audience, you can cultivate trust, increase conversions, and maximize your affiliate marketing earnings.

8. Start a Blog

Starting a blog is an excellent way to make money online in Kenya while sharing your passions, expertise, and experiences with a global audience. 

With dedication and strategic planning, a successful blog can generate passive income and provide a platform for self-expression and connection.

Here are some tips for setting up a successful blog: 

  • Choose a niche or topic: Select one that aligns with your interests, expertise, and target audience. Identify a specific area within your chosen niche that has a demand for content but is not overly saturated. This will help you stand out and attract a dedicated readership.
  • Set up a blog website and create engaging content: Choose a reliable web hosting service and domain name that reflect your blog’s identity. Install a user-friendly content management system (CMS) like WordPress and customize your website design to be visually appealing and user-friendly. Create high-quality, engaging, informative content that resonates with your target audience. Craft compelling blog posts, articles, or multimedia content that offers unique insights, practical tips, or entertaining stories.
  • Monetize your blog through ads, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing: As it gains traction and attracts a significant readership, you can monetize it through various means. Incorporate display ads from advertising networks such as Google AdSense to generate revenue based on ad impressions or clicks. Explore opportunities for sponsored posts, where brands pay you to write content that promotes their products or services. Additionally, participate in affiliate marketing programs, recommending products or services relevant to your blog’s niche and earning commissions for successful referrals.

Building a successful blog takes time, consistency, and engagement with your audience.

Interact with your readers through comments, social media, and email newsletters to foster community. 

Listen to their feedback, address their questions, and continuously refine your content to meet their needs and interests.

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9. Make Money Trading Crypto

Cryptocurrency trading has gained significant popularity worldwide, including in Kenya, as a potentially profitable way to make money online. 

With the right knowledge, strategies, and a reliable cryptocurrency exchange platform, individuals can participate in the dynamic and exciting world of crypto trading.

Cryptocurrency trading involves buying and selling digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other altcoins to profit from price fluctuations. 

The cryptocurrency market operates 24/7, allowing traders to capitalize on opportunities anytime.

While it carries risks, crypto trading offers the potential for substantial profits due to the market’s volatility and growth potential.

Here are tips to succeed as a crypto trader:

  • Educate yourself about cryptocurrencies and trading strategies: Familiarize yourself with the basics of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and the factors that influence their value. Explore strategies such as day trading, swing trading, or long-term investing. Learning about technical analysis tools and chart patterns will help you make informed trading decisions.
  • Choose a reliable cryptocurrency exchange platform: Select a reputable and user-friendly platform that supports trading pairs of your desired cryptocurrencies. Consider security measures, liquidity, fees, and available trading features. Researching and comparing different platforms is essential to find the one that best suits your needs.
  • Monitor market trends and implement effective trading techniques: Stay updated with the latest news, market trends, and price movements within the cryptocurrency market. Utilize technical analysis tools and indicators to identify potential entry and exit points. Implement risk management strategies such as setting stop-loss orders and diversifying your crypto portfolio to mitigate potential losses.

Crypto trading involves risks, and the market can be highly volatile. It’s important to start with a small investment and gradually increase your exposure as you gain experience and confidence. 

Never invest more than you can afford to lose; always conduct thorough research before making trading decisions.


The possibilities of earning online in Kenya are abundant, from selling your stuff online to becoming an influencer, starting a YouTube channel, tutoring, affiliate marketing, blogging, and trading crypto.

It’s important to approach these avenues with the right mindset and realistic expectations.

While some methods offer quick returns, others require time, effort, and perseverance. 

The key is to find what resonates with your interests, skills, and goals and to embrace the learning process along the way.

In addition, building a successful online presence requires consistency, dedication, and adapting to evolving trends.

It’s essential to stay informed about industry updates, learn from experienced individuals, and continually refine your strategies to stay ahead of the curve.

So, whether you’re looking for an additional source of income, a way to pursue your passions, or a means to escape the traditional 9-to-5 job, the online world presents countless avenues to explore and thrive. 

Embrace the possibilities, seize the opportunities, and let your online ventures propel you toward a fulfilling and prosperous future. 

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